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Jefferson County, IL



Joseph J. Oakley

Joseph J. OAKLEY, aged and respected resident of this city, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.W. THRELKELD, 612 North street, at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. His age was 82 yrs. 11 mos. and 19 days.

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Oakley, both ofwhom died many years ago.

He was united in marriage with Sarah A. JINES in 1872, she preceding him in death.

With theexception of a short period in which he lived in Opdyke, at the time his wife was living, Mr. Oakley spent his entire life in Mt.Vernon.

He worked several years as a machine wood workman in the car shops and for a number of years operated a junk business in this city but was obliged to give up the business in order to devote his attention to his invalid wife.

He was a retired carpenter and mill worker, his last employment being at the Mt. Vernon Car Manufacturing Company plant.

Funeral services were held at 2:30 this afternoon at Myers Chapel with Rev. E. R. HENCEY and Rev. R. B. GUTHRIE officiating.Burial followed in Sursa cemetery.

Surviving him are one son, O. O. Oakley of Richmond Heights, MO., two daughters, Mrs. E. W. Threlkeld and Mrs. Maud Oakley SMITH, both of Mt. Vernon, one brother, James Oakley of Danville and one sister, Mrs. George HARPOOL of Mt. Vernon.

Mr. Oakley was a most devout man. Religion to him was sacred and his life was most spirtual. He loved the house of worship and his greatest happiness was experienced in attendance on church and religious services generally.

June 16, 1923(or 1928) The Register News published a story of the long wedded life of Mr. and Mrs.Oakley which had then covered a period of more than 50 years. After giving many other interesting facts regarding the lives of the couple the Register News concluded with the following:

"Mr. Oakley's friends know him only by the name he went by in his boyhood days, "Jodey" Oakley. No one ever referred to him as Joseph Oakley, and probably no one would know who was meant if Joseph Oakley was mentioned."

"Mr. Oakley's devotion to his invalid wife in her last years is truly touching. For the last 12 years he has devoted his life in a great measure to administeringto her. For that period he has practically retired from active life, had not attempted to run a business or take steady employment, and has allowed nothing in the least to interfere with his care of her."

"With tender, solicitude he has anticipated her every wish when possible and willingly and cheerfully performed the household duties that devolve on women, and in addition has given her the tender care a mother gives a helpless child. Year after year he went on living for her and devoting his best energies in her service."

"The married life of Mr. and Mrs. Jodey Oakley has been said is an inspiration to others, and he has proved a model husband as well an excellent citizen." "Far from strong physically, Jodey Oakley is a man among men and the example he has set is worthy of emulation."

Source: Mt. Vernon Register News
Date: October 12, 1936
Submitted by: Sharlet Bigham LaBarbera
Relationship: Jodey Oakley was my GG uncle

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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